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How To: Handle The Terrible Two's

Updated: Feb 17, 2019

"Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy" -Saadi

Hey everyone, I'm so sorry I've been MIA lately, but sometimes life happens. But I'm finally back and can't wait to share this topic with you today.

As a first time mommy I was complete clueless about the Terrible Two Stage. With all the temper tantrum's, falling outs, and of course the not listening. Well I came up with 3 simple steps to help stop this bad behavior.

Disclaimer: In no way, shape or form am I telling anyone how to raise their children. This is simply how I approached the situation. And thought it might be helpful to share with you all.

As a mother we know, when a good day is about to go south. When a day start's off with a temper tantrum their's no turning back. Kiss any chance for a well-behavior toddler goodbye. But what if I told you, I know how to turn a bad day back into a good day with one simple step?

This helped me stop the temper tantrums, falling outs, and much more. But, I can't promise these step will be a successful for your toddler. But, who can really promise that, choose the best method that works for you and your toddler. I simply just sat my daughter down on my lap, and held her close and talked to her. This ritual was the most important step which made this method very effective.

Steps on how to talk to your child:

1. Explain the situation (For Example: explain why this behavior isn't acceptable)

2. Make them listen (For Example: have them engage in the conversation)

3. Understanding (For Example: make sure they're understanding the conversation & concept)

This is also very important. Parents, if your child is allowed to watch television, please monitor what type of television shows there actually watching. Some of these kids programs actually display this kind of behavior as acceptable. With our children being so absorbent, they'll end up imitating what they see out of pure curiosity. Unknowingly building bad habits, and behavior.

Another Tip!

If your child is throwing a temper tantrum on purpose. Do not (I repeat) do not give them what they want. Once again take this opportunity and example that this type of behavior doesn't give you what you want, and is not acceptable. For example: Tell them that, "This type of behavior is a No, no, no." I know this stage can be challenging, even embarrassing sometimes. But, if you keep putting your foot down and exampling that this is not acceptable. These methods can be very effective.

Also if you have any suggestions or ritual that would be helpful to other. Please, leave a comments below. I hope y'all enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it! Please don't forget to "SUBSCRIBE", so you never miss an updates, or post. Oh, make sure to follow me on Instagram @lifefeaturingaliya to enjoy my day to day life. Until next time!

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